10,778 research outputs found

    Young people and ICT 2002: findings from a survey conducted in Autumn 2002

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    This report describes a survey that explored the attitudes and experiences of young people aged 5-18 and their parents, in relation to the use of information and communications technology (ICT) at home and at schoo

    Robust Iterative Solution of a Class of Time-Dependent Optimal Control Problems

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    The fast iterative solution of optimal control problems, and in particular PDE-constrained optimization problems, has become an active area of research in applied mathematics and numerical analysis. In this paper, we consider the solution of a class of time-dependent PDE-constrained optimization problems, specifically the distributed control of the heat equation. We develop a strategy to approximate the (1,1)-block and Schur complement of the saddle point system that results from solving this problem, and therefore derive a block diagonal preconditioner to be used within the MINRES algorithm. We present numerical results to demonstrate that this approach yields a robust solver with respect to step-size and regularization parameter

    The social construction of art

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    Sociologists have tended (a), to assume art as a 'given', and, (b), to attempt to relate art to society' , thus conceptually separating the two. I argue that art is a social phenomenon, and that, historically, until the Renaissance, painting and sculpting were no more nor less 'art' than houses, building or saddle-making. The sociologist should, therefore, examine the conditions under which painting, and sculpting came to be constructed as art, and the social relations through which art is reproduced and maintained as an ideology and practice. Taking William Morris's analysis of art and the division of labour under capitalism as a starting point, I examine and develop his analysis in four areas. First, I examine the development of state intervention in the arts in Britain in the period 1830-1975. Second, I examine the ideological preconditions for, and assumptions implicit in, the present day art market. Third, I examine the impact of the ideology of art on the working classes. Fourth, I examine the present position and experiences of the producers of art, craft and design. Through examining these four areas, I attempt to show not only the usefulness of Morris's analysis, but also the way in which the ideology of art is bound up with the class divisions and work relations of 19th and 20th century British society. Furthermore, I show that the producer of art, while being in control of the production of his work, is not generally in control of how it is defined, presented, bought, sold and valued

    Snillfjord vindkraft 1: status for svartand, storlom, smålom, hønsehauk og hubro før bygging av vindkraftverk

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    I forbindelse med planer om vindkraftutbygging i området Hitra – Trollheimen, har HiNT fått i oppdrag å undersøke anleggenes effekter på svartand, storlom, smålom, hønsehauk og hubro. Arbeidet i 2015 har bestått i å undersøke status for disse fem artene i og ved anleggene, samt opprette og kontrollere referanseområder. Det er undersøkt 698 vann og tjern, noe som resulterte i at svartand ble registrert på to lokaliteter, storlom på 33 og smålom på 35. Det ble påvist hekking eller sannsynlighekking av 33 par storlom og 17 par smålom, og i gjennomsnitt ble det produsert 0,44 unger av storlom og 1,0 unger av smålom på disse lokalitetene. Svartand viste ingen tegn til hekking. Det ble undersøkt 30 potensielle hønsehauklokaliteter, både innenfor influensområdet, nære kontrollområder og mulige referanseområder. Det ble påvist hønsehauk på 12 lokaliteter, og det vokste opp 13 unger i de ni reirene der reir i bruk ble funnet. Totalt ble 52 lyttebokser satt ut for å påvise hubro, samt at noen få lokaliteter ble besøkt. Hubro ble sikkert påvist på ni lokaliteter, og muligens observert på en til. Fem av disse er innenfor influensområdene.Statnett SF i samarbeid med SAE Vind AS og TrønderEnergi Nett AS

    Fast iterative solution of reaction-diffusion control problems arising from chemical processes

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    PDE-constrained optimization problems, and the development of preconditioned iterative methods for the efficient solution of the arising matrix system, is a field of numerical analysis that has recently been attracting much attention. In this paper, we analyze and develop preconditioners for matrix systems that arise from the optimal control of reaction-diffusion equations, which themselves result from chemical processes. Important aspects in our solvers are saddle point theory, mass matrix representation and effective Schur complement approximation, as well as the outer (Newton) iteration to take account of the nonlinearity of the underlying PDEs